Download, while you still can, thus safe keep this info. It should lay down the foundation for future epic uprisings against evil. The deranged globalists will try desperately to completely take over the Internet and stifle free speech, bury the truth. They will do anything to prevent White Men from waking up, uniting and organizing! Their war against White Race has commenced.
Preuzmite, dok je to još uvek moguće, i čuvajte ove informacije. One će poslužiti kao osnova za nadolazeća dešavanja i epohalne pobune protiv zla. Poludeli globalisti će očajnički sve uraditi da u potpunosti zavladaju internetom pa onemoguće slobodu govora, zakopaju istinu. Sve će učiniti da spreče Bele Muškarce da se probude, ujedine i organizuju! U toku je rat protiv Bele Rase.